my world

{Pattington Bear} table runner"! 12 by 12 2 in half inch squares Christmas tree with buttons! 4of July table runner A new start with a heart like mine! Act it out Adult congestive heart failure All my stars table runner All my stars table runner in the making and chicks oh my baby quilt!" baby zoo annimals such a soft baby quilt with tie not's i added back to the Croods Basket Ball Fun Bits & Pieces Large Throw! box Step Pattern Large Throw 2013-2014 Breakfast sausage hash browns and scrambled eggs and melted cheese on top Bridal Shower pics Bridal Shower Time Bronco fervor Cardiac cath Carrie Comfort Quits Carries Comfort Quiilts Carries Comfort Quilts Carries Comfort Quits CarriesComfort Quilts Cats and zebra Quilt twin size Celebration Christmas 2015 Christmas Charlie Brown! close up baby kittns baby Quilt Colorado Rockies night Crib size Flying gueese pattern snoopy and wood stalk forever for ever Croods video clip must watch listen care fully to there message!" Denver mart Quilt Show Don't be over cooked pasta Down town adventures dress Rehursal Night Facts about Noah film Fear Is Leaving! Feeling Broken Nov 2013 back in the hospital with Kidney failure" Fiancé side of our love story Garden town home ideas for our place:) Gods waiting room Got to meet everyone on Robs side of the family 1/7/14 gotta love Tinkerbell!" Happy song Harvest Party 2013 Heart Like mine part 2 Hello kitty quilt Home sweet Home I googled what the doctors next plan for me!! feeling not affraid." I said yes to my dress I want to grow my poem I'll take it any day If u had the time or money or both Im A survivor! John deer quilt in the making Jumping Frogs Rail Fence Quilt! large Throw Slide show pattern fabrics show case is Ballerina dancers! Lions and tigers & Monkeys omy! Lions Tigers super Heroes Mandisa - Over Comer Me and My Sister Design Pattern easy 6 Meen while snowy Colorado Moms first charity Quilt 2014 My business items I ordered. Can't wait to have them My etsy store My Faith Wall My first appliqué thanks giving table runner my First fringe quilt appliqua' hearts"! My girls FCC My Graduation T Shirt Quilt! My head is killing me My heart procedure My New Start! My testimony 2009! nap time Quilt boy or a girl thomas the Train! Nap time Quilt Tweety ! for a boy or a girl ! nap Time Quilt UnderCunstruction Trucks and cars! Nap time sports balls quilt for a boy or a girl! Neoplotian Baby Quilt New year 2015 New Years 1/1/14 Noahs baby annimals On my way our engagement photos! 2013 last Feb 14! Our first wedding anniversary Our friends baby shower time. Our wedding Day Our wedding video Peanuts on Ice Skates Small Throw! for a boy or a girl! Piano covers are complete Poem "You Hold My Heart" Poem "Missing Nicole" Poem "let Him hold you" Poem "When I need you the most" Poem Girl U know he will Poem God Holds the tears when we can not cry" Quilters Travel Reba McEntire words Relient k I celebrate the Day my fave Christmas song!" it will melt your heart 2! Rob & I our Fall Pics Oct 20 /2013 Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Sandras Holiday tablescape Skit Guys Baggage Video! small throw Happy Squares ! So close but so Far so let it grow! Jan 12/14 soft flannel baby quilt of tiny roses!" soft sheeps turtles Sometimes we have the Crood's issue Stay Connected ! Striped Quilt Large Through girlsscout cookies and jelly beans candy chocolate kind of a quilt !! Sunflower table runner Sweet Nudge The beginning of piano covers The bride side of the story " The heart disease I was born with The message The shock of my life there are speed bumps and pot holes" this pattern small throw and i made it along the way with out a pattern! Tinker Bell Pannell Tinker Bell Quilt U never know Valentine project 2/14/14 Valentine weekend Video count on me Video of Beth Moore "fight worth fighting for" Video piano guys Video tenth ave north Video were feet may fall Vidio Casting Crowns Some Where in the Middle." Weather the storm Wedding memories Wedding praise report What are you thankful for Winny the pooh classics & Friends Qween size my first Qween I ever made maybe not the last!! Women if Faith Time
Showing posts with label there are speed bumps and pot holes". Show all posts
Showing posts with label there are speed bumps and pot holes". Show all posts


Speed Bumps and pot holes oh know!!!!


well i had another wonderful week with my fiance' being home again from work.  if you can keep in your prayers for his company where he works at is oppening up another job office oil field work company in Chyanne!!! this really has to be a God thing because he can't ask to go and he can't beg to go because other workers have done the same and they let them go because they were winning to to go to 
the new office!!! Can u believe they are so strict and serious which i can imagine, but if we are motivited to pray pray pray for my fiance' job i know God will provide and continue to bless his honest work,  and the way the government shut down on most people have lost there jobs my heart goes out to them, as well.  

God gives us as believers responsibility to pray for our leaders & continue to pray. I am at fault of not doing that my self we get so wrapped up in our own lives with family members friends co workers our jobs! in some ways i miss working allot full time, i miss having my own class room and staying at a job 8 hours a day.  

I had to let go let God when i couldn't work anymore 2009 doctors saying i had to be on disability and not to over due my self and work my way back in to the hospital as i done before,!:( that was the most horrible experiance i have ever went through, i remember so well i was was depressed for the first few years i had to create my life all over again and that was very hard to do so i let go Let God re create my own life, and routine, I miss having a routine. and having a place to be at certain times! 
God has used other people and friends/family input advice in my life to help me get going, that's how i started to quilt!!! they say just try different hobbies and classes and get a feel the way i would love to work on things with my hands.  
So Quilting I got hooked on and I was amazed:)! I started learning from my mom and we enjoy our time together and yes as an adult we still have  our mother daughter moments overall its very good working together and living together helping each other out!!!

I started taking tuns of classes meeting new people/ friends and just starting to enjoy life again feeling more and more healthy and adding new things to my world!!!! 
don't worry i have a point to my rambling on moments. 
so my fience' boss took chunk of money out and was getting big bonuses for him self since the holidays are coming around the corner. I have learned not just his company but most companies do and start laying off right around the holidays.  Which is heart breaking. why would leaders/bosses do that just so they can have more bonuses for there family?? i just don't understand.  
Just one of those things that i have to continue to trust God's will for my life and ours as things like that comes our ways.
just another speed bump in the road.! :( but helps us to grow closer in our walk with God each day!!!!

So my fiance and mother in law we watch the crood's the other night! it was SO good and there is a lot of truths out of that Disney movie that i never noticed before the first time saw!! to make a story short they were cavemen family, they didn't have materialistic things like we do today, and they had to provide to stay alive and to travel and go to a place were there is food, i wont say the ending its such a heart warming story that you must buy or rent the dvd buy if u see it for $5 dollar DVDs that's the only time i buy movies...! 
so the dad in this family is afraid of the light and keeps his family in the cave there so use to the darkness that they are so fearful of the light. Eave the girl /daughter is desperate for the light, she is desperate for a change, she is desperate to be different she is willing to stand out and even if she disobeys her dad.  

so the father of eave keeps saying to the family do not be afraid!! i will protect you if u listen to my boundaries and instructions! Do not be Afraid of the journey.... he keeps telling his family if u just fallow me and trust me i will get us there safely!!!" (it was a love relationship that he was longing for) just as God as our heavenly father longs for our relationship with him, he longs for us to trust him and to not to be afraid of the journey in life he gives us each one of us,   
2 be continue...."
so i just wanted to share i had have a major speed bump in my world i know its not a big deal to the crises we have in this world but a week and half ago i did something to my knee i couldn't go anywhere or do any sewing my pain was a throbbing 5 or 7 on the scale. yes i had to baby my knee and take care of it as often as it would hurt and take it easy. I think i slept on it funny or got out of bed the wrong way but buy the grace of God its so much better day two no pain and walking a little easier!!!!!! my ib pro fin and heating pad was my best friend the last week and half, i was so upset with myself i wanted to jump into my piano lessons again and continue on with my quilting projects!!!! i was so frustrated, God had to teach me to slow down and He surly did!"
so as i remember the movie the croods which is now my all time fave the more i thought of it the more God revealed himself to me through some verses that i want to share i hope u don't mind if i do...."

Matthew 5: 13
Jesus says let me tell you why u are hear. you're to be salt seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. if u loose your saltiness how will people taste godliness you lost your use fullness"  
someone once explained that when we cook with food for those salt lovers we use salt in our cooking especially BBQ if u don't have salt its tasteless and others will not care for what u have cooked as much!!! usually when i boil spaghetti i sprinkle some salt in the water and close the lid and it starts boiling faster. (salt is being useful!)
you are to be light bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept! were going public with this as a city on a hill if i make light -barriers don't think I'm going to hide it under a bucket I'm putting u on a light stand! now that i put u on the hill top on a light stand shine always keep open house be generous with your lives by opening up to others! you'll prompt people to look close walk with heavenly father"
wow there is some encouraging words from Jesus right there, God saying what we go through is a light to show others we rely on God himself in our lives today!!!!"
going back to the movies the crood the father in the movie keeps his family in the dark and is afraid of the light.
so Job 24-13-17
then there are those who avoid the light at all costs who scorn the light filled path when the sun goes down the murder is up kills the poor and robs the defenseless burglars do there work at night but will keep well out of sight through the day" 
 God gives us some encouraging words already in this dark world that has lots of speed bumps and pot holes and we need to show others not to be afraid of the light and to keep your light lamps on high.
My Fiance' works in a oil field with crude men and all about talking trash being unfaithful to there wives and going out to the bars while there not working,going to bards and drinking. 
when my fiance and i are home together in our quiet time my prayer for him that he may be the light on the hill for those men. That he  is different because of his joy walk with God and faith that Rob has.  We always have our prayer time together more then once which is so refreshing.  My ex did care to have prayer time or to walk often about God, and   he wasn't full grounded in his walk! I haven't not seen many fruits when it came to my ex.  
we don't need to be afraid of the light and be different because god will reward our lives at the end.  some times pot holes helps us focus on the blessings in life when its hard to wait for our plans to come together,  
Jer 19:11 for i know the plans i have for u declares the lord plans to keep u prosper and safe and not to harm u"
Romans 8:28 all things work together for the glory of God for those that love Him"
if u haven't seen the movie the croods its worth buying it ! and think about the message the movie shares its a great family Disney movie and worth buying it.  its great teaching your family not to be afraid of the light and going on this journey life that God provides along the way until he calls us home or comes to get us:))