my world

{Pattington Bear} table runner"! 12 by 12 2 in half inch squares Christmas tree with buttons! 4of July table runner A new start with a heart like mine! Act it out Adult congestive heart failure All my stars table runner All my stars table runner in the making and chicks oh my baby quilt!" baby zoo annimals such a soft baby quilt with tie not's i added back to the Croods Basket Ball Fun Bits & Pieces Large Throw! box Step Pattern Large Throw 2013-2014 Breakfast sausage hash browns and scrambled eggs and melted cheese on top Bridal Shower pics Bridal Shower Time Bronco fervor Cardiac cath Carrie Comfort Quits Carries Comfort Quiilts Carries Comfort Quilts Carries Comfort Quits CarriesComfort Quilts Cats and zebra Quilt twin size Celebration Christmas 2015 Christmas Charlie Brown! close up baby kittns baby Quilt Colorado Rockies night Crib size Flying gueese pattern snoopy and wood stalk forever for ever Croods video clip must watch listen care fully to there message!" Denver mart Quilt Show Don't be over cooked pasta Down town adventures dress Rehursal Night Facts about Noah film Fear Is Leaving! Feeling Broken Nov 2013 back in the hospital with Kidney failure" Fiancé side of our love story Garden town home ideas for our place:) Gods waiting room Got to meet everyone on Robs side of the family 1/7/14 gotta love Tinkerbell!" Happy song Harvest Party 2013 Heart Like mine part 2 Hello kitty quilt Home sweet Home I googled what the doctors next plan for me!! feeling not affraid." I said yes to my dress I want to grow my poem I'll take it any day If u had the time or money or both Im A survivor! John deer quilt in the making Jumping Frogs Rail Fence Quilt! large Throw Slide show pattern fabrics show case is Ballerina dancers! Lions and tigers & Monkeys omy! Lions Tigers super Heroes Mandisa - Over Comer Me and My Sister Design Pattern easy 6 Meen while snowy Colorado Moms first charity Quilt 2014 My business items I ordered. Can't wait to have them My etsy store My Faith Wall My first appliqué thanks giving table runner my First fringe quilt appliqua' hearts"! My girls FCC My Graduation T Shirt Quilt! My head is killing me My heart procedure My New Start! My testimony 2009! nap time Quilt boy or a girl thomas the Train! Nap time Quilt Tweety ! for a boy or a girl ! nap Time Quilt UnderCunstruction Trucks and cars! Nap time sports balls quilt for a boy or a girl! Neoplotian Baby Quilt New year 2015 New Years 1/1/14 Noahs baby annimals On my way our engagement photos! 2013 last Feb 14! Our first wedding anniversary Our friends baby shower time. Our wedding Day Our wedding video Peanuts on Ice Skates Small Throw! for a boy or a girl! Piano covers are complete Poem "You Hold My Heart" Poem "Missing Nicole" Poem "let Him hold you" Poem "When I need you the most" Poem Girl U know he will Poem God Holds the tears when we can not cry" Quilters Travel Reba McEntire words Relient k I celebrate the Day my fave Christmas song!" it will melt your heart 2! Rob & I our Fall Pics Oct 20 /2013 Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Sandras Holiday tablescape Skit Guys Baggage Video! small throw Happy Squares ! So close but so Far so let it grow! Jan 12/14 soft flannel baby quilt of tiny roses!" soft sheeps turtles Sometimes we have the Crood's issue Stay Connected ! Striped Quilt Large Through girlsscout cookies and jelly beans candy chocolate kind of a quilt !! Sunflower table runner Sweet Nudge The beginning of piano covers The bride side of the story " The heart disease I was born with The message The shock of my life there are speed bumps and pot holes" this pattern small throw and i made it along the way with out a pattern! Tinker Bell Pannell Tinker Bell Quilt U never know Valentine project 2/14/14 Valentine weekend Video count on me Video of Beth Moore "fight worth fighting for" Video piano guys Video tenth ave north Video were feet may fall Vidio Casting Crowns Some Where in the Middle." Weather the storm Wedding memories Wedding praise report What are you thankful for Winny the pooh classics & Friends Qween size my first Qween I ever made maybe not the last!! Women if Faith Time


Easter with my side of the family! 2013


cousin love !i love those moments!

my fiance brought the ex box and games over showed the family how to bowl on ex box this is carol my cousins mother in law long time friend of ours!!!!
she got her first strike!!


Later that night we got on our dancing shoes!!!

Easter with Fiance' side of the family 2013

Easter was great I was getting really exiting about meeting the rest of Robs family and hoping that mom can meet them as well too!!!
Barkers men are trying to behave it was extremly hard !! for them!


 My new Sister in law Shawn Nephew Andrew!!
Popsi is having fun in this photo!!!! on the left with the football shirt on!"

Pops Samantha soon to be my niece! and her dad Ray"

This pic most of the girls were so tired not in the mood for a group photo but they had a full busy day!!!!!


I sorry I still wuv u !

Mom Elaine getting the goodies read for the kids to open !

His ways His time is not our Time!!!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:8, 9

Encouraging word 
My goal is to get into a study or book of bible and learn what God wants me to learn if u do the same he will bless your socks right off!! Just wait an c

This feels great!!!!

So this is what a Real Relationship Feels like!!!!

Ever since the day we reunited & Purposed on Thanks Giving he and i have been inseparable like 2 peas in a pod.  Someone once told me that if its true love how u know its real is when they don't want to leave your side and miss another day with out you and they make it there best to make it work not that we had to make ours work it just fell naturally like domino's on a track.   Rob has a huge family mine is somewhat huge growing in time with our cousins getting married and moving on having children.  

It's so nice to be able to my self and to have someone that God provided  that i don't have to feel stressed and worried and totally be unequal with.  I think that being unequal is a small sign of mentally abuse because from knowing my ex and how was was unequal was a big thing for me, so it was and did got really really worse off that's how it started with my ex.

So I am just amazed when i surrendered all my worries and concerns from my ex to the God that he had restored my life with bringing me my new best friend to marry to grow old with and to have lots of fun /laughter/adventures of course there will be pain sorrow but God says in Genesis's I will make a suitable helper he didn't say that to Adam I will make you a perfect God said Suitable  helper for you.  

So I have learned and grown so much by leaving an emotional mentally abusive man my ex I'm so grateful it wasn't physical but he had temper as well. With other things & still scared me So it took me courage to leave Gods courage helped me, and i was so troubled and scared i didn't know were to turn to so i didn't want to bore my friends of my usual troubles and i was covering it up making my husband at the time look good when he wasn't he was always helpful for everyone ells and loved everyone ells but not i at the time, so i had to be brave and tell my paster in a meeting of everything that's going on and what i c.  So Paster had called him in on a meeting with the Deccan's and the Mistress and that Mistress was someone from my church who no longer goes there and she only went had her kids in kids classes, and she was in ours & her husband never came because was always working and out of town.  

2 my surprise!!!!

One Day last month I came home like any other day to check my fb  messages and to my surprise a customer i new that wanted me 2 make her three small t shirt quilts from her mothers shirts, asked me on my page if i wanted a piano!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

I asked her if she wanted anything in return she said no her mother doesn't play & no one does and she wants some one who will love it and play! & yes my friends my fiance' mom teaches me and i can play and learning more <3 
I love music.  SO  I HAD  few weeks to plan all this out and to have helpers and a truck and have everyone in on the same plan knowing I had no idea how heavy this piano was and they were all asking me!!! So I was getting quite nervous. 

    I prayed about it as often as i thought about it and God gave me the men i should ask for to help.   so i did and to my surprise they hesitated and said yes i was forever so grateful, not knowing really how far my friend lived that was the stress part i believe on my helpers & I.

so Bob my Sunday school teacher drove there to the owners house Bill with the truck met me at 7-11 close his fabric quilts hop they own. & I was waiting for the other two guys!!!!! I was quite stressed I called them too see if there on there way one said we have to get lunch at Wendy's well that was 1:00 they finally arrived at 1:45 

I was so nervous I really felt like I needed to be there at right at the ladies home when Bil & Bob arrived there first.  so we ended up arriving there 30 min late after the fact we should be meeting Bill /Bob at the same time. i was so frustrated at the other two taking there time coming to get me, grrrrrrrrr. so 
on top of that the traffic was bad lol.  just what we needed,

so the two guy friends i rode with we had a pleasant drive talk but it was so tense for me allot of stop and go.  so i text the owner of the piano she said the two men were already hear and loaded it up already and headed back to the quilt shop to wait for me & i finally got hold of them said were on our way and i was trying to remember the correct address and accidentally told them the wrong one !!! thank goodness they didn't start driving off that way i could tell they were worn out too and frustrated.  
so to my point of rambling on about this story

is that God was teaching me to be still and wait, omy that is so hard for me to do when u are dealing with others schedules when there helping u out.  i was screaming inside heart racing inside.  i told my guy friends wow i really thought they needed two more to help they managed maybe they really did i thought to my self.  but God was telling me in my heart "Carrie I gave u this piano i will prepare the way make this all work out fine."
yes I said God gave me this gift because he gave it to me through a friend that I have done very well in her t shirt quilts for her in the past.
Im not saying God blesses us that easily or quickly its all in his perfect time.  In lots of ways i was really relaxed to hear that Bill & Bob got the piano on to the truck and were already driving back.
           You may think were was Rob in all this!!!! 
Rob did come home into town and felt fine until all day Sun he even missed church and slept the day until his fever broke! and praise God it did i prayed and prayed that he wouldn't feel that bad driving 710 miles away with that fever and chills.  poor guy he really wanted to help the piano move i couldn't bear to wake him up and rush him out the door for that.

The piano is now safely moved in my mother in laws piano studio at a church. it looks so good i can't wait to practice on that piano !

Thank u men each of u God put your names on my heart to ask u I was scared of planning this but tank u for being there for me!!!!! even if it went into most of the football game on tv i'm sorry guys but thank u from the bottom of my heart so great full!!!!!!!!

 they fit side by side!!! perfectly!

Meeting the family!

                                             Meeting the Family made me so nervous!

                           I have known half of them when we were way back 1999! Tabitha His mom & Dad remembered me and gave me a warm welcome!  it was so sweet his dad gave me a hug and a kiss on the for head and said "I remember this girl.!!"
The Man on the Right is Robs brother could u tell by the way they act!!? Richard is the oldest brother. then there is Rob and Ray the identicle twins, and sister Tabitha, call her Tabi for short." 

Tada! hear is Tabi she is the sweetest lady i  ever known, she has been through so much has three children of her own grown up and on there own except the youngest two which is a sensitive topic, 
her walk with God has been shining through her and she is a hospitality person as well. Tabi also works as the night shift as a nurse!"


Keep Going don't quit!


Marrying My Best Friend!

So this is what a Real Relationship Feels like!!!!

Ever since the day we reunited & Purposed on Thanks Giving he and i have been inseparable like 2 peas in a pod.  Someone once told me that if its true love how u know its real is when they don't want to leave your side and miss another day with out you and they make it there best to make it work not that we had to make ours work it just fell naturally like domino's on a track.   Rob has a huge family mine is somewhat huge growing in time with our cousins getting married and moving on having children.  

It's so nice to be able to my self and to have someone that God provided  that i don't have to feel stressed and worried and totally be unequal with.  I think that being unequal is a small sign of mentally abuse because from knowing my ex and how was was unequal was a big thing for me, so it was and did got really really worse off that's how it started with my ex.

So I am just amazed when i surrendered all my worries and concerns from my ex to the God that he had restored my life with bringing me my new best friend to marry to grow old with and to have lots of fun /laughter/adventures of course there will be pain sorrow but God says in Genesis's I will make a suitable helper he didn't say that to Adam I will make you a perfect God said Suitable  helper for you.  

So I have learned and grown so much by leaving an emotional mentally abusive man my ex I'm so grateful it wasn't physical but he had temper as well. With other things & still scared me So it took me courage to leave Gods courage helped me, and i was so troubled and scared i didn't know were to turn to so i didn't want to bore my friends of my usual troubles and i was covering it up making my husband at the time look good when he wasn't he was always helpful for everyone ells and loved everyone ells but not i at the time, so i had to be brave and tell my paster in a meeting of everything that's going on and what i c.  So Paster had called him in on a meeting with the Deccan's and the Mistress and that Mistress was someone from my church who no longer goes there and she only went had her kids in kids classes, and she was in ours & her husband never came because was always working and out of town.  

I had to get help. if u are struggling in a similar situation surrender to God and give him your concerns and trials and he is big enough to help you.  it was embracing and hard for me to ask help i wanted my first marriage to  last and be good one, and i just couldn't go on any more!! I was tired of being lied to and walked on and it was very hard on my heart since i was already been ill will stress, from him and it brought me so bad down to the Er a few times, stress does things to your heart and physical body it really can take over you and drown you if u don't ask for help .
Mom has always been there for me through thick and thin as a mom should be, and i was afraid to let her know what Ive been struggling with with my ex at the time.  So I was brave and something happens that weekend after the past er called my ex in and the Mistress and the Mistress husband,  
I was somewhat relieved and yet he was still talking with her and seeing her around town and having dinner and doing things when her husband was away with her... so i said one time as i came home who he was chatting with and i caught him in so many lies with other woman before her, this one was the hardest i couldn't place my thought on why and then it hit me like a two by four its because i know this woman and she was supposedly my friend at the time who i thought i liked being with and going on walks with and sharing my thoughts about my husband with since she was married. 

So well Wrong that's why i was so so so struggling with my ex saying nothing has happens twice and we will always be close friends and i  need to stop being so jealous of her.  Well even more he was not respecting me as a husband should and the trust was really gone, was just fuming inside my souled and mind, while my mom was home, we had all lived with her he and i he was laid off his job, as i remember.  

I re me,Ber he was saying to me "Carrie" I'm moving getting out your your moms" I said "pH really?? we never talked about it and were i haven't seen our new place yet." that's what i had said so i was really confused and dumbfounded and heartbroken he was staring at the computer in our room at moms place and he barley looked at me and said "you can come too if u want" 

i thought what!!! is this man saying to me i was taken by surprised and hurt felt so small i wanted to scream at him, instead i just started, and i said of course i am were married ill come with u, why did he ask me! So just then his daughter came home and was in one of her moods, i don't know what happened, and this is all after the past er had a meeting with my ex and the Mistress, and her husband, so i thought things were stealing down after that meeting.  God gave me a rush of peace and i felt Jesus standing there holding my hand giving me incredible comfort i said "Dan Its Over"  i blurted it out and i said loud and Clear "I want a divorce I'm tired of being unequal and last on your list, and your unfaithfulness i have giving you many chances and clearly you told me you re done too so i want a divorce.  
I felt a rush of calmness inside of me i felt dizzy i had to go out to the living room and jumped on the computer and watching TV while mom was there asking me questions about
what happens, so i said Dan and the kids took off, and he would come back for his things the next few days.
I felt so shaken up and shaky i had to sit my hands were shaky and we had both of us telling them to leave our house exceptionally that night.  I felt a calm of peacefulness that only came from God, that he gave me those words loud and clear, that I had had it! i was Finished...

So it has been several years since then & God has restored my life & with his Hope to calm my fear
2 Timothy 1:7

it has been a emotional roller coaster ride and i had to find myself again with Gods confidence and provision he had provided me with a bunch of new wonderful friends at game night and getting into a part time job called MOPS mothers of pree school!  i have done that for 7 years and i enjoy it because its not so overwhelming with hours and its every other week one day in the mornings. 
it has been such a blessing and i started working at mops with my home church Fellowship Community Church, and when they needed less teachers they had less kids at the time God provided me a another wonderful Mops program @ Colorado Community Church"  
This has been my second year.  I actually start work this coming Friday morning i will be in my fave age group class which would be the challenging two year old!" 
I also have learned what i like and accept the things i can't change and to accept what i can, the wisdom prayer.
I have been in many small group studies and focus my eyes on God himself as he gave me the courage that one crazy night.   I felt peaceful and i never regret it since God gave me those words.  
I have been involved in lots of sewing classes and sewing projects God has blessed me with positive people surrounding me, and from the ladies in my small group and the ladies in my Quilting groups.
God has blessed me restores my life with Bringing the man suitable for me, Robert Allen Barker.

These words above i love so much. Friends if you are in a marriage or relationship similar to the one i was in you think there is no way out there really is. God Restores you when u surrender.  He will make a way out when u feel you are trapped he doesn't want to leave you there he wants to help you through, he wants your relationship your love to to turn  back towards Him.  
I know i know at times you don't want to hear these words when u are actually there too, you and me were at the blaming God stage friends Gods Love Mercy Grace is so strong and powerful its amazing u have too let go your self for him to guide u through, he wont take away he will walk you through he says My Peace I give you not as the World Gives.  
let me give u a small revelation i had the other morning. I was playing my all time favorite game PAC man on my phone, yes i luv PAC man, remember the little ghost chasing after u as the PAC man,
that's house the past seems to me we are being chased after us in our dreams and every where we turn once we feel like the gist in PAC man tries to corner us and we try and sike him out one of them brakes away! and were free! we are not trapped any more, That's how God has shown me that when i felt like my ex and lies betrayal would go on and on and see no light there was light, Jesus did made a way for me, and he can really do the same for u friends its up to you....
because hear is a saying if you don't like the situation you are in change it!"  its so true with our walk with God personal walk, we have to let go of the blame and surrender and to stop the nit picking attitude trust me Ive been there that's why i am saying this out loud. 

Romans 8:28 all things work for good those who love Him, 

I know gods plans doesn't make since trust me I've yelled at God many times I'm guilty of that too! 
but were not suppose to be perfect we don't have to live under the law just live under Gods Grace.  
because it is and feels so Refreshing.
memories come back to haunt us because that's just the world we live in those memories are not to torture us just to help us grow in faith and in our character and that others will be going through the same thing you are ..."

Always seek

he is silent during the test February 8, 2012 at 11:20pm

he is silent during the test"

February 8, 2012 at 11:20pm

God Is working in the scenes/ when u don't hear from God he is silent during the test"

February 8, 2012 at 11:20pm

hi friends please read my story  and take heart not too look at my many misspelled words lol. and many run on sentence's just read the words carefully.

Hi friends its been a whole year since 

my divorce and the new chapter of 

being single on my own trying to be on 

my own feet was quiet the challenge. 

 There were lots of good highlights 

during that year of 2011 . i had the 

dream of my apartments that was so 

nice.  I was also trying to figure out of 

who i was again.       My last marriage it 

was always about him and for him and it 
was just not the way God intended how 

marriage should be I was always in fear 

friends fear does not Come From God 

He has now part of being fear, the only 

fear is to fear God means to be in awe of 

God who is is and what he can for and 

what he can bring you through"  it is the 

healthy fear.  

God has been my provider ever since i 

needed to let go of my marriage, God is 

my comfort peace deliverance Redeemer 

He is my heavenly dad that has always 

been there for me since the day i was 

born  My heavenly dad meaning God 

was silent through 2012  when u listen 

carefully and avoid the worlds attraction 

 distraction u will hear his voice He 

spoke gently to my heart saying " i have 

someone wonderful u need to let go and 

let me, work stop trying to find this 

person on your own, "  

I thought omgsh if i continue to let go i 

would have nothing to hold onto! well 

ladies and guys family friends... that is 

the biggest lie the enemy can tell u.  the 

adversary wants u to hold on to your 

baggage and wants u to be reminded 

always so when that awkward moment 

comes to u and your heart beats faster 

you start to have a Panic attack Pray fast 

i have learned through this whole trial 

god helped me through is to let go let 

God, he really does care for u and wants 

the best for u.  That's why he opened 

his arms on that cross for u, & me, he 

Brings us through our troubles for us 


build our character and character 


from God alone.   

Last year my addiction was dating 

sights. yes i was on almost every single 

dating sight sometimes i would able to 

pay for three at a time, or get on all the 

free ones.   i was getting really 

obsessed with them, 

i know i haven't told allot of close 

friends that and some new also.   i have 

figured out i was in the denying stage of 

what pain i was going through.   i  have 

met a few never was serious with 

anyone, sometimes yes but not really, if 

that makes any sense,  Most of all i was 

sleeping allot throughout the day taking 

two naps a day and towards the middle 

of the year i was hurting my legs again, i 

wanted to get another staff infection, 

and in up in the hospital again knowing 

full well i was there the same reason 

2009 i almost died, because of hurting 

my legs, infection reached to my heart. 

 I so i was @ the point not caring about 

myself my depression really went down 

fast, not caring about taking my heart 

med correctly,  I also have stop ed 

dating sights all together completely i 

feel like i am in the moving forward 

stage.  closer stage.  

i have incredible peace i have grown aloft

 who i am in Christ and who i am as what i 

like and don't like.  there were many times 

that i had liked the things that my ex liked. 

 and I've learned wow i really didn't like that

at all!!!  so that was allot of the highlights i 

went through last year.  i have learned to 

ask God the desires of my heart who i want 


be with and why i want to be with another

 man not to be loved because i am loved by

 God.  , my friends have told me why would u

 even want to be married again, after all i 


been through, i smile and say I know it will 

be for the write reasons and have God first in

 all we do."   I cant give up on love and Hope 

just can't.  

thats why i decided to be home with mom 

early . with my church adult friends i put on

a poker face always saying everything was

fine, when it was not,   friends what I'm 

saying all this about my life if u are going 

through this in anyway look towards God u

 have to let go let God take control not 

yourself.  i was really going through major

 denial  friends any trial u go through u need

 to humble yourself like a child, and admit 

your feelings, its not a fun stage but denial 

doesn't help you grow it helps u stay and rot 

and u my friend have a lot of worth because

 God created you & the days of your life.  so 

friends please u need to let go of denial and u

 need to accept your feelings because God 

does, he wants us to be truthful to him, and to

 always grow bear fruit, fruit is gentleness, 

hope, love, and so on, compassion , mercy.

                   letting go your denial is a way to grow 
further past your pain, u must let go and 
accept your feelings and what u r going 
through, and the first step is with God, find a 
quiet place in your home, and write out your 
prayers to him and name all your feelings 
and say Lord its yours take it away from me, 
and provide me with good pure lovely 
thoughts, and when they come around to 
knock on your hearts door constantly say Lord take it away!!! because it will come 
around i promise u it will haunt u in your 
dreams and in the oddest times of the day. 
but the key too moving forward and always 
bearing fruit in your life, is release it to God, 
its a constant reminder to think on thing that are not of this world. Renue your mind 
ever day, that's the process that has helped 
me, friends accept your feelings tell God 
 pray hope wait trust God is working behind 
the scenes when u don't hear him or see him 
feel him he is there if u are at the point when 
u don't feel Gods presence in your life its because u have to accept what u r going through and let it go! friends please in your note book write down all the things that anger u and hurt u any secrets u hide,  and 
then say God this is yours take it away and then put it through the Shredder! in a way 
that's what god does for us,   he just wants us to accept our feelings, to pray wait trust 
hope,   I just pray that God can use what i went through to help anyone out there not to go through emotional abuse  as long as i have done seven long years.  so friends letting 

denial go accept what your going through, 

always then letting others see your hurt and 

pain let others help u through it you will be 

surprised that  u will have allot of real friends who will love u and walk with u through the growing pains. 
 As soon as i have continued to let go God will 
fill your heart with joy peace he is my reason 
why i get up to face each day. when i wasn't looking God provided me a wonderful christian guy.  he is what i have always 
wanted in a person to be with every secret 

prayer that i never shared with everyone he has been all those unanswered prayers,   

when i wasn't looking God provided me 

someone special someone who would give me 

the desires of my heart.  

 someone we can talk and pray together, 

 people say i think its way too soon, but i have accepted all the things i needed to go through 
 to be able to let go.   I now understand what 
Jesus says to forgive 27+27 meaning forging 
constantly when those negative memories come back to me., I am not in any rush to get 
married i want to enjoy my relationship really get to know him, and to put God first. 
& knowing I'm am worth so much in Gods eyes not to go through another emotional 
abuse relation?marriage!  i just hope and pray that God will use me to help others in 
many ways,   * to remember that stop and pray and realize our self worth is so important to God as we humble ourselves as a child and when our shoe laces get untied spiritually we need to get down tie them so 
we don't trip and fall because friends we will because we are human and God gives us tests 
during life.   When He is silent God is creating the stage   have peace and child like 
heart without faith we wont grow, i always 
say u can not force a butterfly to grow out of 
its cocoon it will happen on his own just like 
God heals us in his own time,  

I have been a preschool teacher for 20 years 

and faith like a child i have come to learn. 

 when a parent drops of there child  and the 

child has fear even though he has been there 

for days, hangs on to daddy and says daddy 

please don't leave me,  dad says Honey  I will 

be hear soon to pick u up! or mommy.  that 

child has to have trust in his daddy knowing 

that he will be OK when he faces the 

unknown of his day.  knowing that he has 

know idea what will happened to him, that he 

will be rescued so friends i think that is with 

our heavenly dad, with us Trust is the key 

that he will see is through it all when we feel 

like our hope is gone and have nothing to 

cling too.have a blessed life & remember 


  its awesome to know that God is working in 

our lives even if u do or don't believe he is 

there,   he is working behind the scenes and 

he is quiet during our test" 

feb 3 2013 my new start!!!

                    I had my pacemaker check they said my heart beat is stronger! and i only had a few fast Irregular heart beat and it only lasted two minutes it was last Nov i didn't even realised!! they want my heart to be 98 % better so far two check ups in a row 98% good same percent! if it was less then they would have to discus surgery heart valve. 
                   Thank u Lord that no heart valve is needed now. They raised my heart beet to 190 was 180 6 months ago:) March 7th is when i see my Cardiology Dr.  and discus future plans with me, I'm praying that no more surgery's is needed because i had my share!! i thank u all my face book friends for being there for me and taking care of me in prayer!  I pray for all u guys in return as well.  please remember that nothing is too hard for God when u see me don't feel sorry for me, when u see me i hope u say " wow look what God has done in her life its not about me its about HIM.   He can do the same work in me in you if u only let him Him

                        God never said it would be easy He will help us climb the mountain that God has created,for each of us and to be our guide and our strength  Joy to make it.  A friend of mine yesterday reminded me that promise.!!!!!!!  no matter what your circumstances i believed Gods will is how your attitude is during you're circumstance,God knows your heart and your motive. 

 Nothing happens buy chance or accident its all in Gods design  His plan his love story nothing can be roses all the time, there must be some dead weeds too.  In the last seven years of my life i don't regret it but if i have tears its not me en that i want it back but just the courage to keep on looking forward not backwards.  

I just need to keep tying my spiritual shoe lases and let go and let God help me up;   I pray that you will take my words to your heart and to think about also what you are going through, when you think your world is ending its just another door to a new genning"  All i just want to share is what Gods been teaching me in my heart. it was for the status but now its a story lol.  

Carrie Anne****