Good morning dear readers!!
Hope all is blessed and good Heath to you!!
Rob and the whole entire family on his side made it into town!!!!!
We were so blessed we just had our walk through at the church and we were fashionably late the barkers side!!!
I slept so good last night but woke up so early!!!!
We had. Wonderful but stressful last minute planning a trying to meet everyone on his side of the fam for lunch we didn't have lunch till about 2;30!!!
We were all famish ' !
The walk through was fabulous I shed a little tears realizing we didn't Jane all the songs to be song on the cd burned on te and we got there late!!! We tried our best to be on time' lol really we did !
As we walked in marrie got us all in order fast and Paster rick said ok everyone one more te walk through!!! Twice we were so glad we had a second walk through !!
When I glam e on at the birch door window and I saw that arch lot up tears swelled up with in me!!!"
Realizing I had everyone I love in both sides of my fam there!!! We all made it from all angles and stars &town !!!!!
When I saw everyone in one room inside the church I was relived when my eyes landed on rob my fiancé and my cousin Lindsay I felt calm!!" Lindsay has been a made of honor/ brides made for many weddings!!! She was so good with me when she asked me what others asked her in the wedding party I'm so blessed that she was there as well as others on our special day!!!
When I saw the flower girls and ring bear together my hearted it was so precious I can't wait to c everyone in there beautiful clothes for or special day!!!!
For those that have been fallowing my blog and don't know me in person u are very special to me as well too'!' Those who prayed for my journey @ for rob and I , I graciously thank u u are behind the scenes that god has used u greatly through your precious prayers!!!