my world

{Pattington Bear} table runner"! 12 by 12 2 in half inch squares Christmas tree with buttons! 4of July table runner A new start with a heart like mine! Act it out Adult congestive heart failure All my stars table runner All my stars table runner in the making and chicks oh my baby quilt!" baby zoo annimals such a soft baby quilt with tie not's i added back to the Croods Basket Ball Fun Bits & Pieces Large Throw! box Step Pattern Large Throw 2013-2014 Breakfast sausage hash browns and scrambled eggs and melted cheese on top Bridal Shower pics Bridal Shower Time Bronco fervor Cardiac cath Carrie Comfort Quits Carries Comfort Quiilts Carries Comfort Quilts Carries Comfort Quits CarriesComfort Quilts Cats and zebra Quilt twin size Celebration Christmas 2015 Christmas Charlie Brown! close up baby kittns baby Quilt Colorado Rockies night Crib size Flying gueese pattern snoopy and wood stalk forever for ever Croods video clip must watch listen care fully to there message!" Denver mart Quilt Show Don't be over cooked pasta Down town adventures dress Rehursal Night Facts about Noah film Fear Is Leaving! Feeling Broken Nov 2013 back in the hospital with Kidney failure" Fiancé side of our love story Garden town home ideas for our place:) Gods waiting room Got to meet everyone on Robs side of the family 1/7/14 gotta love Tinkerbell!" Happy song Harvest Party 2013 Heart Like mine part 2 Hello kitty quilt Home sweet Home I googled what the doctors next plan for me!! feeling not affraid." I said yes to my dress I want to grow my poem I'll take it any day If u had the time or money or both Im A survivor! John deer quilt in the making Jumping Frogs Rail Fence Quilt! large Throw Slide show pattern fabrics show case is Ballerina dancers! Lions and tigers & Monkeys omy! Lions Tigers super Heroes Mandisa - Over Comer Me and My Sister Design Pattern easy 6 Meen while snowy Colorado Moms first charity Quilt 2014 My business items I ordered. Can't wait to have them My etsy store My Faith Wall My first appliqué thanks giving table runner my First fringe quilt appliqua' hearts"! My girls FCC My Graduation T Shirt Quilt! My head is killing me My heart procedure My New Start! My testimony 2009! nap time Quilt boy or a girl thomas the Train! Nap time Quilt Tweety ! for a boy or a girl ! nap Time Quilt UnderCunstruction Trucks and cars! Nap time sports balls quilt for a boy or a girl! Neoplotian Baby Quilt New year 2015 New Years 1/1/14 Noahs baby annimals On my way our engagement photos! 2013 last Feb 14! Our first wedding anniversary Our friends baby shower time. Our wedding Day Our wedding video Peanuts on Ice Skates Small Throw! for a boy or a girl! Piano covers are complete Poem "You Hold My Heart" Poem "Missing Nicole" Poem "let Him hold you" Poem "When I need you the most" Poem Girl U know he will Poem God Holds the tears when we can not cry" Quilters Travel Reba McEntire words Relient k I celebrate the Day my fave Christmas song!" it will melt your heart 2! Rob & I our Fall Pics Oct 20 /2013 Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Sandras Holiday tablescape Skit Guys Baggage Video! small throw Happy Squares ! So close but so Far so let it grow! Jan 12/14 soft flannel baby quilt of tiny roses!" soft sheeps turtles Sometimes we have the Crood's issue Stay Connected ! Striped Quilt Large Through girlsscout cookies and jelly beans candy chocolate kind of a quilt !! Sunflower table runner Sweet Nudge The beginning of piano covers The bride side of the story " The heart disease I was born with The message The shock of my life there are speed bumps and pot holes" this pattern small throw and i made it along the way with out a pattern! Tinker Bell Pannell Tinker Bell Quilt U never know Valentine project 2/14/14 Valentine weekend Video count on me Video of Beth Moore "fight worth fighting for" Video piano guys Video tenth ave north Video were feet may fall Vidio Casting Crowns Some Where in the Middle." Weather the storm Wedding memories Wedding praise report What are you thankful for Winny the pooh classics & Friends Qween size my first Qween I ever made maybe not the last!! Women if Faith Time
Showing posts with label Act it out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Act it out. Show all posts


Act It Out!" March 12' 2014

        Robert and I are counting down the days to our wedding day!! June 7th, 2014 just around the corner! we are so in love and we give each other butterflies everytime he comes home. I always say to him "Rob you give me butterflies and he replies i will always give you butterflies."
         To me butterflies meens the are a new creation once they come out of there cucoon, and spread there wings and fly.  Ever since Rob came back into my world 20012 I feel free with him.  
          I can enjoy life so much easier because i know that he knows me and loves me for who i am he loves me when i am me, i don't need to change for any one!!!!
          Since Rob works 17 days & come homes for 4 we are just running around doing errends ever since our wedding day is getting closer!  I know Rob is a protector and provider and giver and has so many wonderful qualities i have seen in him. 

          We have seen each other in our worst moments and still love each other because thats who we are made from God knowing that the Lord provided our desires of our hearts as we waited on Him over the years through our own wilderness. 

           I had a melt down with him a few times not for long, I was imbaraced because i just get emotional as our wedding day gets closer! He held me and said calmly don't be imbaraced of your melt downs it shows the real you and thats why I love you."
          Just like How God is with us.  He loves his children we are created to be loved by him and for Him.  That hit me like a 4 x 4!  in our ladies bible study this morning "Why we believe what we believe!" 

We studied alot about Faith.   
we have to keep learning about God in any way we can the holy spirit leads us and draws others to come to him, our actions responsibility is to only share with friends family be ready for an answer.  

faith is acting out in our faith going about our days knowing that as we rest in Gods arms knowing by faith he will comfort us what ever He takes us through!
Faith also says to have a child like faith.  

        My three year old second cousin had a daddys weekend as mom went scrap booking retreat! so three year old girl was amazed and soaked up like the spong in all that she had learn and saw at home depot they were there most of the weekend!" 
So we were celabrating my unckles 60th birthday three year old she was so talkitive to us at the table!!!

Savannah : mom can i change what i want to be when i grow up?" 

Mom: you can be what ever u want to be!" 

Savannah:  I want to be a home depot worker!!!!

Mom smiled and tried not to gigle

The rest of us tried not to giggle as well!

So she ate all her dinner and was excited about what she had 

learned and discovered all that weekend at home depot ! 

It was very precious to hear a three year old excited to act out all that she had learned with her daddy, @ the hardware store! So she excidedly jumped down and went into the living room, and started to act out what she saw!!!"

Just like us as children of God we should act out our lives through us what God teaches us in his word!  
for example my meldowns i had done, i felt imbaraced to showing Rob my weeknesses i was afraid he woudlnt love me the same,

So just like our abba daddy we dont have to be perfect and them mess up in front of others! thats not how we are suposed to live we are to live by faith. Meaning trust and relationship/ knowing he will hold us in our melt downs and not to prove that we are tough on the outside like a turtles shell.

                 Its ok if we go slowly in life learning all we can take our time learning but child like faith doesnt meen we are week he will show his strength in us for the world to see!!  Child like faith is to humble our selves as a child but too always be excited to act out our faith to those around us ! 

          Just like my second cousin did when Savannah was so excited to act out what was new to her in her world!!!! 3 years olds are great too watch as they play.  
they are so excited to everything in there worlds. They mimick everything!!"

Let us not be afraid as child of God to act out our faith to those we live with or work with even if its little as saying to your co worker " may i pray for you?" on your strugle? " That is a good oppener for them to see Christ in you! 

                      Even if you make cookies for the office or brownies a little note saying something like have a blessed day look for the good in all things" 
These are little things God hopes we should do if we are able too but just a simple important word saying can i pray for u meens so much to the person!!!!!

                 I know all our wedding plans will cometogether God has been providing all the way, everything we have gotten we marked down or 50 % off not knowing that it was when we arrived at the store~! and our reception place "Double Tree"  worked out it was the last banquet hall available the time and day we needed it!!!!

                      I have to share because when I started the planning of our wedding, I didn't leave it in Gods hands I started to do this on my own. Hear is why.  When I first went in there to talk to the lady at the desk the message never went to the wedding planner women ! so i was struglaing to get through alomst a month wondering why arent they replying back to my messages? don't they want there businesses? 

             Well come too see the women at the desk was not the right person to be working with customers lets just put it that way she didn't fallow through on her job!!
by sending the message along the way! 

            Soon when I was in tears one of my melt down fusterations time was running short.  I prayed and said "God I didn't give this planning to you to lead and guide this and so i am giving this all to u from this time on."

             Some times its  nateral for us to take it back from God to do on our own but we can do nothing on our own we wont have much sucsess 
Proverbs 3:5-6 
                 I will Trust in u God for He is your confident  in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.  in all your ways know and recognize and acknowledge Him and He will direct  and make strait and plain for your paths.  

                 Always grow in your faith: Hebrews 11:6 
seek him what kind of acctivites can u do to seek Jesus It is Him who wants to build your faith.

1.) there is tuns of bible studies on line that are great to look for!
The one i love to go to is
Bible Gate way app Bible gate
3.) Life way book store has sudy books you can order purchase!

          There is so many Right now my small group on Friday nights girls night in at friends home we are studying about the women in the Bible old testoment and then the women in the new Matthew Mark Luke John
just to give you some pointers on how to learn if you have a busy sqedual there  is no time to find a home church
or if husband or wife keeps you from going this will be great way to be excited about acting out in our lives what we have learned!
                      Remember how precious it is to read when Savannah was acting out what she wanted to be when she grew up! she learned and heard what she saw just like faith
faith is hearing the Word and acting it out so others can see in day to day! around us!!
Matthew 16;1-4 TRUSTING God not our lack of knowledge

holding our self life long learning to be excited to learn ! there is no way parrents would tell their child "( Its ok you can stop going to school u reached the age and you don't have to learn any more!!")

Thats why fellowshiping with others and those who believe encoourages us and helps our growth!

Remember Learning and Doing
just like Savannah my second cousin 3 year old does at her age she is having faith like a child of what she saw and learned!!!!!!