This is the perfect way to start out my latest blog post'
Today mom and I had a great adventure trying in skirts to try and match the blouse she had bought some where Ells !
We found our match for the blouse our second place in parks medoes ! Never been into that store before but we were so glad we were there the workers looked snotty on the out side but supper nice when they started talking! Usually that's how it I right!?
They say don't bight the hand that is trying to help u!"
If u in with a sour look u will get sour treatment ! If u are nasty to the workers they will be nasty back thank goodness none of that happend!!!!
Mom and I are stress relived in that area because she finally something to whee the mother of the bride outfit! Blouse and a long skirt:) matches the jewelry that my friends sister in made for every woman he made jewelry for as my gift the the brides maids and made of honor and mother of the bride and groom mother too and most of all the flower girls!
Now mom ha to find is shoes and a new purse and she is all set! This east our first week of looking she has been looking for several weeks!!!!!
I know it's silly but I prayed @ times that Gof would guide us to the right store for my mom. I. Know the world has more serious trouble I'm not nieeave my point is that God wants to have relationship with us even if it's the smallest thing like finding something to wear coming soon the wedding is! He wants to trust in jesus the big and small things in our lives ! That's what grace is about and faith!
Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Psalm 68:19
He goes with us each day through the smallest problems and the largest. !!
Just as we were leaving parks medoes mall the weather was nasty!'
Mom and I decided to drive the other way instead of going straight home that way! We stoped at a quilt store :-) yes we were good we didn't buy we visited !
To weather the storm out. Just as we left he quilt storm clouds were much lighter an clearer and bright dark and some white I was amazed how that was just a few min or so the darkness is gone'"
Just in our lives dear readers
John 10:10
I have come so u might have life to the fullest Jesus says
A friend of mine that re connected with me haven't seen each other since 2004 she says you know what Carrie? God never left me I left Him!" He always had my back "!
We all have these storms god is not punishing us he is seeing how or if we lean on his arms let him carry us it's faith that please God "
Does your life look like this?
Romans 8:28
For all things work together for those that love Him "
Take heart take courage in your storm "
Not I but Christ in me"
Same as for u