The scariest thing I ever went through was waiting to see if my husband had cancer in his lungs!
My husband has been sick with bronkitus last month and the tempature and the weather conidtions were he works @ in North Dakota no wonder the poor guy gets sick ! He had bronkitus last year 15 times!!!!
He says these oilfield workers up there don't finish there antibiotics and they don't rest they way the body needs too when u do have bronkitus they just start jumping in working long ours into the cold freasing night!!!
So when my husband went up there to the ER they said "well sir we see some white spots on your lungs !!!
So it was a week three days after the doctor says he would call us back and still herd no reply or no call back from him so I got the courage to call him myself the reception lady answers and I explained to her the situation and said we were supposed to know the results by last Friday !
She kindly said to me the doctor will call me back with the results and I for got to ask her if that would be the same day or another day to wait longer so I had no idea myself when he would call us
back so I waited and got my self to calm down and to take a rest an hour after I got up from my rest the doctor return my call !
So as I was sitting at the edge of the couch listening calmly trying to capture what the doctors words says and plus writing it down he had nothing serious in his lungs to worry about!!! What it is is just scar tissue from his bronkitus being sick over the years !!!!
So we are just praising God with all our hearts because someone the men up there oil field will have the same thing but it would be stage four caner. my husband would say there was another guy that had that so that's why my husban was glad that he got check out looked at just to be sure!!
So thank u family and friends for your support and praying for us for Robert 😘😊