my husband on the left and our niece on the right "
After looking everywhere for the art show the online website did not tell us the correct information, besides walking in the heat, when we were leaving we all decided to head over to Dave & Busters all of us has never been there it is a arecaide for aults it turned out to be a blast!!!"
The girls and i enjoyed posing 5 poses infront of the building lol." my husband was a champ hanging out with our niece and 3 of my girl friends <3 Thank u hubby u scored major points that day!!! lol i can tell he had a good time too" :)
businesses if you have a web site show or anything please remember to update your info if its not going this year please up date your info for your customers!! so helpful for everyone!!!
i got jack pot on this game!!!! verry lucky! lol
Adults can Have a great Time just as much as kids in arkaid lol"!!!!!