dear readers,
thank u for coming back to my world!thinking back on the croods movie allot of things came to me thinking back of how god carried me through and i pray u think of your own world, when i share my thoughts apply Gods word to yours.
have u seen the movie yet the croods? well sometimes i like to carry my bag gages do u feel the same at times? well lets all be honest yes we feel comfortable carrying our baggage. Sometimes i pic them up and hold them close to me, but then that's when i don't shine for Jesus and who he really wants me to be, how can i be standing tall holding such heavy bag gages even from 20 years ago or child hood??? face it we all do it from time to time some of us have a hard time to let them go because we feel comfortable.
Readers I know and have learn that if we stay in our comfort zone we can't grow its like flowers can't grow without the rain and the sunshine.
baking if u love to bake we have a hard time baking with out the directions, guidance.
so i came across that video of these 2 men that are called the skit guys i reassure u they are awesome, they have good messages to u no matter what faith your back ground is . I don't want to sound preachy I'm just a woman who i am sharing my stories to help me grow and not to be comfortable in my spiritual walk. Lately i feel like i have came through the battle field of the giants! attacking them down with Gods strength. that only happens when i let go my bag gages and friends it does happen when u at least suspects it they will sneak up on you. Jesus says John 10:10 i have come so they can have eternal life,
John 10:30
i told u everything i have done authorised by my father actions speak louder then words . my sheep recognize my voice i know them & they fallow me they are protected from the destroyer for good.
Now that's awesome news for what we have going on in this world we are his children we are protected! hold on to those words.
James 1:2-8 this is one that helps me let go of my bag gages it says dear brothers is your life full of difficulties & temptations then be happy for when the way is rough your patience has a chance to grow so let it grow don't try & squirm out of your problems For when your patience is finally in full bloom then you will be ready for anything , strong in corrector full & Complete .
When ever I play starwars with my fiance' and sis in law i saw a little glimps about God through starwars!!
seriously call me weird but hang in there.
so as my fiance' is teaching me all about star wars with my Jedi character she has all these weapons to face her giants and robots and power strength and much more to attack these giants & robots, so we can play for ours and play together on line its growing on me I'm learning to like it allot! but any how it made me think we have to face these giants in our own world everyday. weather its a children acting out or husbands giving hard times or mean boss or co workers. Even traffic and rude drivers.
We have to put on the full Armor of God and have our spiritual weapons with us not of this world but to use Armor of God each day make sure before u jump out of bed and to say God please help me with my armor clothes and gear. help me see the blessings through out each day!.
Eph 6:11
put on the Gods Armor so that u will be able to be safe and stand safe againts all stragies of satan. so use every piece of Gods armor to resist the enemy when ever he attacks and when its done u will be standing up.
belt of truth: breast plate of Gods approval wear the shoes that are able to speed you on as u share his great news, peace of God in every battle you will need faith as your sheild to stop the fiery arrows aimed at u by satan and u will need the helmet of salvation and the sward of the spirit which is the Word of God"
of course Philipians 1:6
says i am sure that God who began within u will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until his task is finished on that day when Christ Jesus returns
so readers take heart while there is troubles he didn't take away the troubles he wants us to grow closer to him and walk by faith no matter what he brings us too, trust God friends because i have and i have known what he is capeable of all the giants i have met allong the way .